Saturday 13 August 2016

The First Half of 2016 - It was a BIG one!

So, hot on the heels of my previous post, I feel the need to catch up more completely, with the aim that I might rekindle my former, more regular, postings....... here goes with the first half of 2016.

To be honest, I had completed most of the previous post a number of months ago, but the process was stalled by my absolute disorganisation with my photos - still haven't got it all sorted, but getting there.

The 2nd semester at school (January-June) turned from one of my most extremely happy times to an extremely difficult, disheartening and stressful few months.  The school that was managing our small campus here at IRRI, decided that they no longer wanted to support a campus here, and so made the decision to pull out at the end of the school year (May 2016).  They managed, in my opinion, to do this in the most disrespectful, uncaring way possible, and left us all sad, confused and exhausted from the experience.

At the same time, the staff and at our tiny campus supported, communicated and cared for each other.  It's amazing how going through a traumatic event with others gives an added, special dimension to your relationships.  The kids at school were wonderful, and we all shared our ups and downs, talking together and working through the whole situation. The most important things I have learnt from this is that good leaders support, care for and show compassion towards those they are charged with, and giving our time to others is one of the most treasured things to those who receive it.

On an extremely positive note, IRRI decided that it is valuable to them to have a school on site for young students, and so we are in the process of getting a new school up and running for the new school year (in late August).  It has, and is, an amazing amount of work to achieve this, but we are slowly getting there. I will let you know more in a later post.

It is important to note here the nature of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the value of supporting an organisation such as this one.  The Mission Statement of IRRI says it all:

IRRI aims to reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure environmental sustainability of rice farming. We do these through collaborative research, partnerships, and the strengthening of the national agricultural research and extension systems, or NARES, of the countries we work in." (

On a personal note, I am extremely proud of the small role that Russell and I have in working for IRRI and supporting its mission. Russell works on projects that have real potential to reduce deaths and blindness in children and adults due to vitamin deficiencies, and I teach the young students of some of the international scientists here, so they don't have to travel many hours each week to and from school. I look forward to telling you more about this in future posts.

The first half of 2016, as usual these days, was punctuated with some great trips....

In January, all four of our gorgeous kids arrived (together!!) for 2 weeks of fun and adventure.  It was Mitch and Peta's first visit, so that made it extra nice.  The highlight of this time was our 4-day trip to Banaue, in the mountains in the north of Luzon (the island we live on).  A 14-hour drive from Los Banos, mostly due to the traffic in Manila, was worth every moment to see these 2,000-year-old rice terraces.

We had family photos while they were all here, too:

A little part of our hearts flew out of the Philippines in late January ..... we now have a "Blackman-shaped" imprint in our hearts. We love you Cristina, Bryce, Eva Kay and Abby Grace!! .....and, of course, Rebeka Hope, who was born in the U.S. after they moved back.

My very first trip to Taiwan was for a long weekend in February, and despite the constant rain it was a great time - just long enough for me to want to go back one day soon.

We barely notice these signs anymore....

 Taipei 101 was constantly in cloud or surrounded by cloud, so we missed the opportunity to see Taipei from the sky - next time.....  everywhere we went, we could see it from the ground, though.

 Like everywhere, Taipei loves cute little statues - lots of fun!

Markets - one of the fun things in all Asian cities and towns.....

Russ headed to Australia for a quick visit in February, and we both went back in April to celebrate my Mum's 80th birthday.  She decided she wanted to have a few days on the coast, with as many of the family as she could - we managed to have ALL her children, grandchildren and great-grandchild there for one day!! Sadly, I didn't take any photos, but we did get a family photo to mark the event...

.....and Russ took an extra-cute one of Nan and Emmy!

Just after Easter, Hayden graduated from university - Bachelor of Commerce - so we extended a few days and joined him for the ceremony.  I'm sure he would have been just as happy to not have the fuss, but he indulged his parents and did us proud!

A couple of quick trips to Singapore for a few days each were very pleasant - what can I say, except that it's close and cheap to get to. I'm liking the place more the more I visit!!

Every year, the town of Lucban in Laguna (the province we live in) hosts the Pahiyas Festival, harvest thanksgiving festival.  This year, my friends Karen, Libby and I went along (1 hour drive, with a driver so we don't get lost.....) and it was AMAZING!!! The houses and shops are decorated with rice and rice products (mostly rice paper) and other farm produce. Hot.....but worth it!!

School ended at the beginning of May and I headed off to Korea for a few days, to say goodbye to some of my very close friends who are moving on to their next adventure.

 ......and as always, I met the Cathers' at Incheon Airport.....

I followed that with a trip to Australia for 5 weeks break.  After the traumatic first few months of the year, this was the best thing I could have possibly done...... sadly, I didn't take enough photos to record my stay there fully, so many of the wonderful friends and family that I spent time with missed assured, every single one of you contributed, beyond belief, to refreshing my life.  I suspect Cathy D and I were just talking too much to think about photos!

Mitch and Peta are meant to be together,
I'm sure!!

Job interview day - got the job!!!

Yes there are kangaroos - too many for comfort
around Canberra, according to Alice.

The beautiful Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra.
Alice with her Nanna!

Loving Maleny

Lunch before hitting Eumundi Markets - the BEST markets I
have seen!!

Russ and Tim catching up on almost a lifetime.......

What can I say - with Margie I am in in one of my most
happy places!

The box at this coffee shop says it all.....
to tell the truth, I was more of a problem
than Hayden, but I'd never admit to that!

The drive out to Leeton at it's greenest!

Yes, my non-Australian friends, these are real!

Hayden and Violet

Loved catching up with these three gorgeous people!

I don't stay long enough in Sydney usually, but it was
SO NICE spending a bit more time with Mitch and Peta.

I didn't need to go to Korea for the great translations....
could have just moved to Hurstville!

Back to the Philippines in mid-July, and I feel like a new person!  Relaxed, refreshed, and able to now move forward in the next phase of my Philippine journey...... more about that next posting.

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