Wednesday 3 December 2014

A Special Entertainment Treat

The Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA) is located quite close to IRRI, and was one of the most severely affected places from Typhoon Glenda, which came directly over Los Banos in July this year.  PHSA has been without power and some facilities ever since, but the staff and students have continued their programme at the school, showing great commitment to what they do.

Last night IRRI sponsored a benefit performance at one of the IRRI halls, featuring students from this school, and it was a treat!  A wonderful display of dancing, singing, instruments, poetry and plays. There will be more benefit performances, and this promises to be one of the highlights of our life in the Philippines.

The performance was called "Bayanihandog". This is a combination of Bayanihan, which in Tagalog means "community unity", and handog, which means a "present" or "donation" or "dedication". Anihan means "harvest", so the name reflects the joint cooperation between IRRI and PHSA in many ways.

These musicians were exceptional!!! were these!

Tony Lambino works at IRRI, but is also a famous singer in
the Philippines, and a really nice guy
- he joined the students for a couple of numbers.

Above all, these students and their teachers just had a
great night!

I am so much looking forward to future performances!!

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