Monday 2 February 2015

Mitch and Peta-Erin get Married!!!

Our five weeks in Australia over Christmas/New Year was busy, to say the least..... getting our house ready to put on the market (and hopefully sell... soon!), Christmas and THE WEDDING!!

The day Russ and I arrived in Australia, a friend of Peta's family had organised a "High Tea" for a small number of ladies, at The Tea Room Gunners' Barracks in Mosman (Sydney).  The most beautiful outlook over Sydney Harbour accompanied our food and tea.
This was before we started - so lovely!!

And.....THE VIEW!!!

A few short weeks later, we headed out to Leeton for the wedding.  Mitch and Peta-Erin had decided that they wanted a very small wedding, and a BBQ dinner to go with it.  They decided to hold it beside the Murrumbidgee River, around 10 km out of Leeton, and this was reliant on the usual lack of rain in January...... an outcome that was not to be.  It rained for a couple of days before and the day of the wedding, which was enough to make it impossible to negotiate the river roads with safety, and to guarantee a dry ceremony.

As if it was meant to be, we had been working hard on the garden at our house in Leeton, readying it to be placed on the market, and combined with the rain, it looked great!  A ready-made alternative venue for the wedding!!!

Putting the finishing touches.....

Mitch driving me to the wedding!

The Nans/Nannas

Russ and Hayden sang the girls in....

Alice.....looking beautiful!!

Peta-Erin was stunning!!


Mitch and Peta-Erin with Nan and GP

This was a wonderful celebration of the beginning of Mitchell and Peta-Erin's marriage.  We love them and wish them all the best for a wonderful life together!!